"Where there is creativity, there is hope." ~ Donna Karan

When the going gets tough, the tough get knitting

by - Friday, November 02, 2012

Surely it counts as exercise, no?
I've been trying to get back into knitting this year. Sweet Nan and Mama have taught me the very basics over the years, and I'm still trying to get the hang of it. I'm not very good at it and I don't know if I ever will be, but one can try, right?
It's fun, and right now, it's one of the very few things that is doable- it doesn't require much thinking, it's therapeutic and is a welcomed distraction.
It's not the most arthritis friendly craft, but I can manage several rows at a time, and I can sit in bed and do it which is nice! I find it relaxing after a bad day.
Since starting back at work I lost my crafting mojo, and now I'm trying to get it back. Although, with everything that has been happening with Sweet Nan lately I don't feel up to doing very much, but a bit of knitting here and there I can do.

Back in June this year I attempted to make a start on a scarf. I did finish it off, but I decided that I didn't like it. I enjoyed practising though. Now that times are tougher, I need to do something, so I've picked up the needles again and am slowly working on another scarf. We're just about heading into summer, but at least I'll have it ready for next year.

I like this yarn, it's much better. It has great scarf potential. It's my favourite colour, so I'm quite excited about the end result. The photo doesn't do it justice - it's a really lovely deep purple.

I'd like to give this snowball yarn another go too. I made this scarf a few years ago and it's terrible. I'm determined to master it. However, I guess it's not too bad considering that it's difficult yarn to knit with. I've sold a lot of balls at work - this yarn is quite popular. I love it, it's so warm, soft, and comforting.

I have these yarns to keep me busy too. I got them during the winter yarn clearance. The browny creamy one will make an amazing scarf worn with boots. I plan on attempting a throw for my bed with the pink one, and the brown and white yarn would probably make a good spring/summer scarf. I especially love the purple, it's so funky! It has gorgeous purples and gold through it, it's going to look fabulous!
Do you knit?
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PPS. If you have left me a comment or an email, I've fallen a bit behind... I'll get to them this weekend, I promise! x

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