blue manicureglitter manicureLiving creativelyLiving creatively with chronic illnessNail polishRevlonrevlon nail polish: nordic skyeSatin nail polishThe Nail Files
The Nail Files Thursday: {Revlon} Nordic Skye Glitter Manicure
It's time for another edition of The Nail Files Thursday! Yay!
Isn't it just pretty?
As my base colour, I used 3 coats of Revlon Nordic Skye
And for the glitter tips I used about 5 coats of a blue and silver glitter polish by a brand called Satin which is a cheap polish I found in a chemist. I absolutely love it, looks a bit like tinsel!
This is one of my more recent manicures that I did this year.
And there you have it, another edition of The Nail Files Thursday!