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Weekly Word Wednesday: His love sustains me
Some days my ability to cope is really tested. My strength is often strained. There are nights where I collapse in an exhausted heap overwhelmed at the thought of waking up the next morning to only struggle with the same aches again.
There have been nights were I have wished that I wouldn't wake up because I was just so damn tired of hurting from head to toe every single minute of every day.
Just the other week I had a "Lord, I just can't possibly do this anymore" moment. My back pain was bad and I was wondering how on earth I would manage to get through another week. Then I heard a sweet comforting whisper...
I will sustain you.
(image via
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me- Psalm 3:5
Those words alone have been enough to help me through another week. My God knows exactly what I need and He equips me with what I need to get through the difficult times. He has never failed me.
He places dreams and desires in my heart that help sustain me. He has given me talents that sustain me when the going gets tough. He has provided numerous outlets and ways for me to help myself deal with the pain, fatigue and loneliness.
Everyday I do my best and God does the rest. I've learnt to rely on His strength to sustain me when I am feeling weak. I get through the day knowing that I am loved just as I am. I am loved.
His love sustains me.