bakingcookiesCrafty FridaysGift ideashandmadeLiving creativelyLiving creatively with chronic illness
Crafty Fridays: White Chocolate Chunk Cookies
I love a good chocolate chip cookie, who doesn't? I recently made some from scratch, Chronically Creative style, of course!
I used large chunks instead of little chips so technically they are white chocolate chunk cookies.
Preparing the mixture
Ready to bake!
Fresh out the oven!
Being Chronically Creative, I just had to add some pretty ribbon! Unfortunately the ribbon isn't edible, if you were wondering. I know you can get edible ribbon for cakes but I don't think they would work very well for biscuits somehow, but I'll definitely be trying it out on some cupcakes soon!
They would make such a lovely gift presented in a gorgeous gift box!
They tasted amazing if I do say so myself. Watch out Mrs Fields.