I'm getting involved in the sketchbook challenge! I've been looking for a creative challenge/project to get involved in this year and this challenge is absolutely perfect! The bonus is that it also gives me something interesting to blog about too! The sketchbook challenge requires you to keep a sketchbook for the year. Each month, a new theme will be announced for you to sketch about and you have the chance to sketch according to the given theme of the month and upload your photo for a chance to win some fantastic prizes! How cool is that!! I love the idea of keeping a sketchbook, it is so creative! Although, I must admit, I am quite terrible at drawing and painting but I am going to give it my best shot! There are always stencils to help me if I fail I suppose. I thought this challenge would be great also seeing as I do heaps of writing and journaling, maybe I could branch out and attempt some calligraphy and involve some of my poems in my sketchbook! I am so excited about this challenge, I can't wait to get started! Each month I'll be letting you see inside my sketchbook, and I hope others will join me in this great creative challenge also. To get involved and find out more you can click here. Thank you to a lovely reader for informing me of this challenge (thanks- phylor!) and thanks also to some great creative blogs such as creativitytothemax for blogging and sharing about it. I can't wait to see what myself and everyone else comes up with!
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Oh, hey there! Welcome to my little creative corner, it’s so nice of you to stop by. I’m Emily, a thirty-something adrenaline junkie, beauty fiend, big dreamer, cake enthusiast, Jesus adorer, Netflix addict, and paper craft fanatic. I’m also a horror movie buff, a big believer in overdressing, a serious tea drinker, and my favourite band is The Script. I enjoy a good challenge and I love designing things. I am a self-taught crafter and my favourite thing about working on a craft project is the little finishing touches; it’s the small details that are really important to me. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I write about the challenges of living with invisible chronic pain. Through sharing my love of handmade things and writing I hope to encourage you to live your best creative life possible.