"Where there is creativity, there is hope." ~ Donna Karan

Meet Our First Random Acts of Blogging Kindness Recipient!

by - Friday, April 08, 2011

I am very delighted to introduce you all to our very first Random Acts of Blogging Kindness recipient! The first person to be blessed by this project, like myself, also lives with multiple chronic illnesses and blogs about the challenges and struggles of daily life with chronic pain. This warrior woman bravely embraces a "new kind of normal" and strives to live abundantly in spite of chronic pain and illness.

Meet Jamee of A New Kind of Normal:

My name is Jamee and I am 29 years old. I am a proud youth pastor's wife and a mom to an adorable 2 year old baby girl! I have lost a lot of my youth the past 8 years due to chronic illness. I was diagnosed in 2003 with endometriosis and had surgeries in 2003, 2006, and 2007 before having a total hysterectomy in May 2008 (my daughter is adopted in case you did the math!). I was later diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2006 and celiac disease and interstitial cystitis in 2010. I started blogging in 2007 as an outlet for infertility. I knew some girls in my IF group who were blogging so I thought why not! Little did I know how much I would love it! My blog, A New Kind of Normal, has since grown to include chronic illness, infertility, adoption, and motherhood. My goal with blogging is to show that you can have joy and live an abundant life with chronic illness. You may have to modify things a bit but every one who has a chronic illness is a warrior that can overcome. We may have a disease but that doesn't mean that is WHO we are!

Jamee is a woman who I greatly admire. She is such an amazing example, not only to me but to others who are also living and coming to terms with invisible chronic illness. Her blog and articles over at The Fight Like A Girl Club have encouraged, blessed and helped me greatly and many more I am sure. She writes with integrity, openness, honesty and willingly shares her faith in the hope to share that joy can be found in spite of our circumstances.

You can connect with Jamee through her blog: A New Kind of Normal, find her on facebook or follow her on twitter. Make sure you pop by and say hello.

To say a huge thank you and show our appreciation to an amazing woman who writes her heart out with such passion, honesty and courage we are blessing her with something that she has been wanting! I sent the money through to her yesterday and this is what the money Jamee will be using towards buying:

A brand spanking new Nikon D3000 camera!

Unfortunately I received no donations this time round (this baby is just getting started!). The money raised came from my special 'God fund'. Each pay I put aside money to bless someone else with and it's just so rewarding to do. Hopefully this will encourage and inspire others to do the same and make a donation to bless someone else who is struggling or doing it tough. A special thank you to all those who have helped get the word out about this project. Hopefully this is the first of many people that we can reach out to and bless.

Enjoy your new camera Jamee! You deserve it!


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