"Where there is creativity, there is hope." ~ Donna Karan

Celebrating All Things Creative

by - Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A year ago my usually merry self encountered a dark and lonely place of despair. Struggling to survive each day succumb to endless sleepless nights due to different medication changes and trials, I was at the end of my rope. Feeling abandoned, alone and isolated with depression dawning, I was determined to ease the pain of my downward spiral. In the wee hours of one morning, tears falling down my face, fading on the keyboard, I keenly embarked on my blogging adventure. I tied a knot and held on for dear life. Out of sheer desperation, frustration, sadness and sleep deprivation- Chronically Creative was born.

When I hit the sign up button and blissfully published my first post, I had little idea of what direction this blog would take. All that I knew was that I needed to write, and with a desire to one day start a craft business, I wanted to express myself creatively. Initially in the beginning, this blog started out entitled 'Living Creatively With Chronic Illness' but six months in, I decided on the more appropriate name of 'Chronically Creative'. Why? Well, I much prefer to be labelled 'chronically creative' instead of being acknowledged as 'chronically ill'. It's so easy to get bogged down and feel as though illness defines who I am as a person but I've come to understand that I am not my illness. Despite being limited, confined and controlled by it some days; I am more than a "sick" person. Yes, I may be sick but I'm also chronically creative!
Writing about my fears, frustrations and the ups and downs of living with multiple chronic illnesses for the whole blogging world to see is no easy feat. There have been times when I have even contemplated chucking it all in and there have been countless moments when I have cradled my head in my hands, sobbing with hysterical frustration as I couldn't even write a simple post because of stupid fatigue, brain fog and depleted cognitive function.

Hell, keeping a blog has been incredibly difficult. Just putting this post together has taken me hours on end. But by God's grace, I've done it and I am proud as punch. Blogging has been well worth the fatigue and joint pain. I cannot even begin to express the happiness it has brought into my life. Dare I say, it has dramatically changed me for the better. Blogging has allowed me to express myself in a healthy and creative way and the people who I've met through it have been a great source of comfort, courage and an incredible inspiration to me.
Blogging is an amazing blessing in my life. It has provided a way for me to write in a way I never have before. It allows me to deal with my grief while also encouraging and reaching out to others. Writing is how I make sense of everything- in essence, it's how I take out my "emotional trash". A dear blogging friend explains it perfectly: "I write because I need to. I write to stay sane. I write to stay positive. I write to deal with the pain and loneliness".

Although it's taken me a while to gain momentum and direction, I consider blogging to be a huge part of my life. It's one of the very few things I can manage to do on a good day that doesn't force me to spend a week at home helpless because of it. I hate to think where I would be without blogging. It has allowed me to still be myself and connect with the world without having to leave home and reap the consequences. It has helped me to feel less alone and hope when there has been nothing left to hope for. Yep, I'm officially a blogaholic. There. I admitted it. Who would have thought that this computer challenged girl who barely knew how to even use email properly could start a blog? Not me. I haven't been on Facebook for very long either, late developer I know... but now I'm getting sidetracked, which you all know I'm good at. Where was I? Oh yeah... there isn't a day that I don't think about blogging. I am constantly thinking 'can I blog this?' I think about blogging more than I do food, and I love my food! Okay, so we have established that I probably think about blogging way more than I should...

Over the last year Chronically Creative has grown to include cardmaking, handmade crafts, nail art, interior decor and poetry with scrapbooking, sewing and cupcakes and cookie making on the horizon- it's a beautiful colour! It's my personal journey to live creatively in spite of chronic illness and inspire you to colour your world creative. This blog is a fun celebration- celebrating all things creative. Indulging in something creative, no matter how small, allows me to escape reality for awhile, but in all honesty, it's how I survive. If I have to live with chronic illness, I am going to do it creatively. And maybe, just maybe, my illnesses can stop stealing the spotlight and instead of being identified as the "sick chick" I'll be known as the creative chick. Hell, "I'm chronically creative and it's contagious... pass it on." (adapted from Albert Einstein's quote "creativity is contagious, pass it on.")
Written by Emily Ruth
© chronicallycreative.net


To all my dear readers and followers, thankyou from the bottom of my heart for all of your support , encouragement, comments and emails. I appreciate each and every one of you! Keep reading for another year of bigger and better chronic creativity!

Yours creatively,


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