Fighting Back Challenge Giveaway!
Those of you living with chronic illness may have come across Sandy Robinson's website Fighting Fatigue and if you haven't yet checked it out, I strongly recommend you do. It is a fantastic resource for those dealing with invisible chronic illnesses, especially Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Sandy writes insightful, encouraging and helpful articles that are a valuable source of comfort, understanding and support for those of us living with invisible illnesses.
Sandy also runs the "Fighting Back" Challenge which is a great opportunity for those of us living with chronic illness to share our stories, help raise awareness and be heard. According to Sandy everyone has a story to be told:
Until the end of April you have the chance to win by simply sharing your story or by blogging about the Fighting Back Challenge. So make sure you stop by the site, it's well worth a visit.You can find Sandy on Twitter here.
Thanks Sandy for all the great work you do, you do an amazing job at raising awareness for us all!
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